Non-Surgical Decompression

What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?

How does our DRX 9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Treatment Work?

The DRX 9000 is an exciting new technology that offers a non-invasive spinal decompression therapy. By using a custom-designed computer system to gently and precisely apply distraction forces over the affected area, the DRX 9000 can alleviate back, neck and leg pain caused by herniated or bulging discs. The gentle forces provided by the machine help to reduce pressure on the disc and relieve pain associated with pinched nerves. The treatments are typically recommended for people who are suffering from chronic back, neck and leg pain which has not been relieved through other forms of treatment. 

Patients undergoing therapy with the DRX 9000 typically report a significant reduction in their pain symptoms following the treatments. This advanced technology can offer hope to those who have been suffering from severe pain for a long time and may be considering surgery as their next step. When undergoing spinal decompression therapy, patients can expect a comfortable, risk-free experience with the DRX 9000. This treatment involves a series of stretching and relaxation exercises that typically last between 24 to 28 minutes. 

If you suffer from chronic back pain, you should talk to Dr. Herrboldt at Vitalign Spine Clinic. He can use Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression through the DRX 9000 to provide lasting relief from your condition – studies have shown that up to 75 – 86% of patients gain a higher quality of life after a few weeks of treatment! 

Arielle Y.

When first seeking regular chiropractor care, I didn’t want a chiropractor that would yank on/twist my neck or manipulate my body in painful ways. I had tried many different things (in which nothing seemed to help) before trying Dr. Herrboldt and NUCCA chiropractic care, and have found that NUCCA is the only thing that has given me long-term pain relief. Dr. Herrboldt is absolutely incredible and takes time to genuinely listen to what you have to say at each appointment. He has proven to me that chiropractor care can (and should be!!) gentle and effective. I call Dr. Herrboldt a “miracle worker” because I didn’t think relief from my pain/headaches was possible, it is!! It not only has improved my physical health, but also my mental health. Many of my friends and family members have entrusted Dr. Herrboldt with their chiropractic care and have found that being in alignment has significantly improved their quality of life. Thank you Dr. Herrboldt for your care and expertise!!!

Arielle Y.


Some Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy

When it comes to treating chronic back pain, spinal decompression therapy provides many valuable benefits that go beyond pain relief. Improved stability, increased mobility and flexibility are just a few of the advantages that make this therapy an attractive option for those looking for lasting pain relief. Here are 7 key benefits of spinal decompression therapy:

  1. Improved Flexibility: Spinal decompression therapy can create space between the vertebrae in the spine, improving flexibility and reducing any stiffness or soreness. This improved flexibility can make everyday activities easier, such as bending and lifting.
  2. Reduced Back Pain: Spinal decompression therapy can help relieve pressure on spinal discs and nerves that cause back pain. This pain relief can be long-lasting and can help patients avoid the need for more invasive treatments such as surgery or medication.
  3. Enhanced Mobility: Because spinal decompression therapy alleviates pressure on the spine and surrounding tissue, it can also improve a person’s mobility. This can be beneficial for anyone who suffers from chronic pain in their back, neck, or other areas of the body.
  4. Improved Posture: Poor posture is one of the main causes of chronic pain and can have a negative impact on our overall health. With spinal decompression therapy, the spine is realigned, thereby improving posture and helping to keep the body in proper alignment.
  5. Injury Prevention: By providing relief from chronic pain, spinal decompression therapy can also help prevent injury. This is because when a person experiences relief from pain, they are better able to move safely and within their normal range of motion.
  6. Improved Mental Health: By providing relief from chronic back pain, spinal decompression therapy can also help to improve mental health. This is because when a person is in less pain, they tend to be in a better mental state and are more likely to take part in activities they enjoy.

In Conclusion

In short, Spinal Decompression Therapy is an excellent option for those struggling with chronic back pain. It is a safe and effective treatment that can provide lasting relief, improved range of motion, increased circulation, and minimized discomfort.

Are you suffering from chronic pain? Contact Dr. Herrboldt at Vitalign Spine Clinic today to learn more about how this can help you improve your quality of life like it did for others.

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